Want to know what your favourite local council (and some of its friends) gets up to? We trawl through all the boring minutes, press releases and Freedom of Information requests so you don't have to.
I am a former welfare rights professional and manager with over 15 years experience at various local authorities and voluntary sector agencies. I served on the committee of the National Association of Welfare Rights Advisers, acting as Vice Chair for over two years. I have acted as representative for the above organisations on numerous national and local consultative groups, in the media and in consultation exercises.
Just in case anybody was wondering, this site is not in any way connected to Nottingham City Council, gets no money from them (well, apart from Council Tax benefit) and if we ever did have anything to do with them would probably have been sacked by now.
They probably don't even like us.
But then you knew all that didn't you.
A word about using my stuff...
If you want to reproduce anything you see here please do so BUT ONLY UNDER THE TERMS OF THE CREATIVE COMMONS LICENSE POSTED BELOW. After all I write this stuff because I think the issues are important and I want people to know about them but if you intend to try and make money from my work you'll need special permission and a very strong argument in advance.
However, please remember that a considerable amount of work has gone into its production. For this author its doubly difficult because I have mental health issues which adversely affect my concentration and motivation. As such the license requirements to attribute are very important to me and must be respected.
It goes without saying that if I've used your stuff and not credited/linked as you prefer, let me know and I'll rectify it.
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