JoCo has just unilaterally approved an extention to NCC's 'class leading' anti-social behaviour service. In a recently published portfolio decision you will find the following -
"For example, in addition to reporting ASB and 'Grot spots', customers should be able to phone up and find out who in their area has an ASBO or Injunction, what conditions they have and even receive a copy of the Order. They should be able to find out what stage their criminal or civil case is at within the Court process."
So, not only do ASBOs in Nottingham turn non criminal behaviour into criminal behaviour by simply labelling it as 'anti-social' you also get publicly humiliated as well. Note that this will include informing what stage in the process has been achieved i.e. potentially BEFORE a court has made any order or decision.
Compare and contrast this approach with how the (Double) Standards Committee deals with councillors who break the rules.
The agenda of the meeting on 15 February lists the establishment of an assessment sub-committee to hear a complaint against a councillor. We have no idea which councillor this is. Well, we can guess, my money is on Councillor Grocock.
The minutes of the previous meeting record the deliberations of an assessment sub-committee hearing two complaints against a councillor. The public was excluded because it would have been possible to identity the councillor concerned.
And of course, what has happened to Hassan Ahmed who the 'Post' caught bang to rights not declaring very relevant business interests? His fate seems to be currently secret/not being pursued at all but I think we should be told. And there are at least two other potential candidates for an investigation into whether the Councillors' Code of Conduct has been breached too.
One law etc...
White October
4 months ago
Strange isn't it... my comment on your previous post about NCC banning graffiti was: "I think they call it hypocrisy".
My comment on this post is the same.
Probably much quicker for both of us to assume that this will be my comment on any of your posts about JoCo and his gang of corrupt councillors.
There is something of a recurring theme going on isn't there?
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