I blogged yesterday about how Nottingham City Council should publish all Freedom of Information requests and responses to its website in the interests of openness and efficiency.
It later occurred to me that it might be possible to do something about it by starting an online petition, so that's what I've done.
Please sign the petition here.
It allows you to be listed as anonymous and, although it asks for your postcode (zip code in the American language) its not a required field. I just thought it might be useful if the signatories could be shown to mostly come from Nottingham so please do consider entering your postcode as well. Email addresses are not shown.
It's a bit of a risk because if nobody signs it we'll look a bit daft but nothing ventured etc. Please pass this on to friends, relatives, strangers you meet in the street or whatever.
Thank you.
White October
4 months ago
Great idea. I've signed.
Good man!
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