Another round up of bits and bobs that don't really warrant a post on their own...
It seems that JoCo has invented time travel. On 13 April the Save Supporting People peeps tweeted that he'd blown out an appearance at a 'Fighting the Cuts' debate that evening. On Sunday JoCo blamed this on being "too knackered from having run the London Marathon raising money for charity!" inducing guilt trips in us all. Except of course, the marathon was four days after the debate Save SPServices were talking about...
Remember NCC refused to allow the use of the Council House for the 2010 East Midlands Vegan Festival, resulting in its cancellation? They claimed excessive 'wear and tear' was the reason but there was already some doubt on that and now they've held a wedding fair which, with nearly a 1000 people attending would presumably result in a bit of wear ant tear, especially with all those brides to be trying on their wedding heels. Still, fobbing off the little people is one thing but when there's a need to promote Nottingham's hottest new (moneyspinning for NCC) wedding venue that's a different matter entirely.
Looks like Nottingham Equal are being funded for another year for helping with 'community cohesion'. However, it seems that 'community cohesion' only extends to race and religion in NCC's eyes. Of course, that was very similar to the criticism they made of CEHRNN before withdrawing its funding in its entirity, resulting in its eventual shutdown.
Odd things going on with recruiting Michael Williams' replacement as Corporate Director of Communities. The Appointments and Conditions of Service committee has just handed the post to someone on a six month temp contract. There's no mention of that in an earlier report setting out the recruitment process. How much more will this extra stage cost us, not to mention that a temp appointment will probably be paid at a higher rate than a permanent postholder.
White October
4 months ago
Interesting that the City Council can give £60,000 to Nottingham Equal when, according to their website, they have no policies and no infrastructure. Neither does it give any clue as to who is involved in running the organisation.
Can anyone tell me what they actually do and what they have achieved so far?
Any inkling on who's getting the temporary Director of Communities job?
Yeah their website's a joke. I might do a FoI on the service monitoring information for NE, although NCC routinely ignore my requests these days.
Re temp director job, I'm guessing it's the guy who's currently the 'interim' version. 'Interim' useually means they're self-employed and therefore v expensive, putting him on a formal temp employee contract would prob save some money.
Still doesn't explain why they didn't recruit to a permanent post though.
Incidentally, I'm getting quite a few hits, including some from the BBC, following searches for Nottingham Equal. Perhaps something's happening?
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